Great post! I like every word written on it. I couldn’t agree any more that life is quite an adventure. It’s a journey where there’s lots to see, lots to discover, and lots to experience. Everyday I’m always thinking ”What’s in store for me? Will today be exciting, or boring? Will it be filled with sunshine, or rain (figuratively speaking)?” I know, weird to ask about the rain since no one likes it but I can always learn from it and pass my experiences to others who may need to hear of it.
I love the part about buckling up and how it is connected to the armor of God in Ephesians 6. I thought of this while reading, not only should the Belt of Truth should be buckled but also the entire armor. That’s because armor (depending on the material and armor piece) are held by buckles just like belts, otherwise it can slip or fall off if not fasten on your body.
Lets always be prepared and enjoy the ride. God Bless!
Thanks for sharing Kelvin. We don't always learn when things are going well, but we always learn from the rain. Embracing it is a great strategy. Amd yes, the whole armor of God is important. Without all the pieces, we won't be fully prepared to fight against the enemy.
I pray that you continue to look at life as an adventure no matter what comes your wa. God bless!
- M